Surrounded by hostile Daleks, Dr. Who ponders his next move.

Welcome to the first release of my SmallBASIC Daleks clone. There are many versions of the Daleks game out there, this is one I put together on my Treo while waiting in line and riding in trains, that sort of thing. I figured I’d Open Source it, perhaps someone will enjoy it and it’ll save them a few minutes of boring line-waiting. Also hopefully a half-way decent game written in SmallBASIC on a Treo just MAY help encourage them to update their Palm OS version of SmallBASIC.

If anybody could come up with a nice black and white image for the wreckage that can be made using circles, squares and points I’d love to update the graphic I’m currently using.

For now I’m trying to figure out the SourceForge CVS uploading commands. I’m not much of a programmer so any pointers would be appreciated. Palm OS binary and source code may be downloaded on the
SourceForge project page.

(Note: Screenshot taken with Windows SmallBASIC, Treo does not have graphics glitch covering the doctor.
Oh and next time I'll move the mouse. ;-)